Yes, the summer’s over and a cool breeze now forms part of our daily life. The holidays have come to an end, unless you’re one of those who keep a few days for enjoying an October break. Is that your case? If so, congratulations! Here you have 3 reasons for visiting Santiago de Compostela this autumn.
In any case, be on the watch. Your vacation might be over but there’s also the odd bank holiday or long weekend that you use to enjoy a break in the Galician capital and sleep in a tourist apartment. It doesn’t matter if you’re coming for a rest or doing the Camino –visiting Santiago de Compostela in autumn is a great idea. So let’s get started!
Compostela, a city that’s transformed in autumn
Although the arrival of autumn brings lower temperatures, the city of Compostela becomes more charming. In 1985, Santiago’s Old Town was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. In autumn, Santiago de Compostela’s historic quarter has a different charm compared to the summer months. The season’s first rains and the colours produced by the sunshine reflecting off the buildings form a great spectacle in the late afternoon. The narrow, stone-paved streets make all of Santiago a monument per se.

Autumn is accompanied by an explosion of colours. The deciduous landscapes can be contemplated from any of Compostela’s parks. Bonnaval, Eugenio Granell or the traditional Alameda are full of warm tones. These gardens become an oasis of peace and tranquillity. Although Santiago’s beauty spots are striking all year round, the autumn colours harmonise with the surroundings and make this city even more magical and charming.
Santiago’s different face
In autumn, Compostela bids farewell to the pilgrims doing the Camino and welcomes the university students that fill the city centre. There are less walkers now, which makes it easier to find accommodation and a place to eat. The streets are no longer full of different accents and you can enjoy views of the renovated Cathedral almost on your own (especially if you’re staying in tourist apartments like Inferniño).
Santiago changes its population and festivities. You’ll be able to enjoy different events in the autumn months. This period features congress such as Fairway, a fair centred on the Camino de Santiago that is held in November, or traditional local festivities such as, for example, magostos (chestnut parties).
An autumn that tastes good
You can enjoy seasonal foods at this time of the year. If you walk along Rúa do Franco, you’ll see that the ice-cream stand have been replaced by another selling chestnuts. You’ll notice the change! If you want to see Santiago in its maximum splendour then visit the Mercado de Abastos (food market). It’s also a popular spot with Santiago’s residents, who tour its stands looking for fresh, seasonal produce to buy, while enjoying a drink and admiring the area. Did you know that it’s the city’s second-most-visited place after the Cathedral?
You won’t go hungry in Compostela. It doesn’t matter which restaurant you choose –you’ll enjoy exquisite dishes in the Galician capital. Do you want some recommendations? If you download our guide, you’ll find a selection of Santiago’s bars and restaurants. Have a look and tell us what you think –like us, you’ll find it hard to single out your choice!

And now it’s your turn. Are you coming to Santiago this autumn? If you’ve decided to visit Compostela’s deciduous landscapes, don’t hesitate to book in our tourist apartments. Remember that Inferniño has the best views of the Cathedral. We’re waiting for you!